Protect your AWS workloads with a comprehensive security assessment

data security keyboard computer

The security sphere has grown to encompass a wide assortment issues and concerns. While businesses still need to be on the lookout for hackers and similar threats, corporate security postures must also address elements such as compliance, data privacy, and third-party risk management. And with more enterprises shifting workloads to the cloud, those security concerns are becoming even more nuanced—and important.

In some cases, on-prem environments grew organically, with little structure around security and a mishmash of tools and systems. Companies often relied on consultants to keep their traditional networks going, but those vendors don’t always have enough familiarity with cloud technology to maintain adequate security. Even skilled CISOs sometimes lack the experience to ensure compliance in the cloud.

As businesses increasingly look to the benefits of AWS, these long-standing gaps in security may not have presented immediate concern in the on-prem world, but they represent significant areas of risk in a cloud environment.

DIY security just can’t keep up

For many years, companies were able to manage security on their own. But in today’s highly dynamic threat environment, that’s no longer realistic (or prudent). Attack vectors change so quickly that it’s nearly impossible to stay ahead of vulnerabilities, whether they’re deliberate intrusions or exposures that result from negligence or oversight. The shift to cloud only increases the risks.

Not only is it difficult for internal employees to stay abreast of the latest threats, it’s also more challenging to staff a fully functional cloud security team. There are too many disciplines and areas of expertise needed to effectively protect even the simplest environments. But the dangers of trying to DIY a security strategy in the cloud don’t end there, because not only do inadequate security measures leave your business open to attack, they could also put you out of compliance.

The growing complexities of compliance

Companies migrating to AWS need visibility into a broad array of potential security concerns, and compliance is at the top of the list. From financial services to healthcare, retail to manufacturing, more types of businesses are subject to compliance guidelines than ever before.

  • CMMC
  • GDPR
  • GxP
  • ISO
  • SOC 2

Small companies—a segment that historically has been less impacted by compliance—are also under increasing regulatory oversight. And we’re seeing more businesses working within multiple frameworks rather than just one. This significantly elevates the complexity factor, particularly when migrating to AWS or scaling workloads on the platform. An inadequate security strategy could put your organization out of compliance, leading to a cascade of serious problems.

Uncover vulnerabilities with a deep-dive assessment

Because security and compliance issues are top priorities for businesses on AWS, Cloudnexa offers a comprehensive assessment to uncover gaps in your current measures and practices. If you’re already on AWS, our experts can help you bolster the protections around your AWS environment and enable you to scale your workloads securely. If your business is planning to migrate to AWS, we’ll work with you to develop a security roadmap that ensures continuity of compliance as your digital transformation unfolds.

As part of our assessment, we partner with Trend Micro and Alert Logic to scan your AWS environment, generate a Center for Internet Security (CIS) benchmark report, and evaluate the findings. Widely recognized as the standard in security hardening and using industry best practices as its foundation, the CIS benchmark process empowers your business with insight into your security state. We’ll then work with you to analyze the results and identify areas of risk as well as opportunities to improve security.

Cloudnexa’s experts also work alongside your team to review your security posture against the compliance frameworks that apply to your business. Using our deep knowledge of AWS security and compliance practices and requirements, and we’re able to offer experienced guidance to help assess which measures will be most effective in moving you toward your ideal security state.

Set your AWS environment up for success with a security assessment

For businesses already working in an AWS environment, it’s important to identify any gaps that may be lurking so you can take steps to remediate them before an exposure occurs. And if you’ve experienced a breach, now is the time to review your security posture and implement improvement actions.

Connect with our team to see how a security assessment can help you spot gaps, mitigate risk areas, take effective actions to improve security, and ensure you remain compliant as you reap the benefits of AWS.